Activities For KidsCrafts for KidsKids

How To Make Squishies

3 Mins read

If you have a child or grandchild that has jumped on the squishie bandwagon, you will appreciate this post more than you know. I found out how to make squishies and shared it with Gabrielle and she has not looked back since. She has been making squishies every week ever since. I love how creative of a project it is, but there is also a lot of science going on too. It is a win-win and we are going to show you all about it! 

If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

I knew I wanted to share this post, but I didn’t set it all up to have staged photos. I wanted to catch Gabrielle when she was making them and when she said I could take photos of her making them the other day, I just ran with it. The process photos aren’t the prettiest photos, but I jumped at the chance to act as paparazzi as she created away that afternoon. 

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If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

How To Make Squishies – Supply List:

Silicone Molds

Flex Foam-iT! III Flexible Polyurethane Foam

Fabric Paint

Something to measure the solutions (Gabrielle uses a measuring cup she got from a science kit)

3 Solo Cups

3 Popsicle Sticks


Something To Cover Your Work Surface

Gloves (Gabrielle used to wear gloves every time, but doesn’t anymore – she just forgets)

If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

How To Make Squishies – Directions:

To start, cover the work surface. I always pick up plastic table cloths when I find them on clearance so we have a lot of them. The kids always use them for messy projects like this.

To prep the project, Gabrielle likes to cut the Solo cups in half to make them shorter. Then, she uses a permanent marker and writes “A” on one, “B” on one and “mix” on the third one. Then, she writes the same thing on each Popsicle stick. (One Popsicle stick to coordinate with each Solo cup).

If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

To start the mixing process, first measure out the “A” container from the Flex Foam-iT! III Flexible Polyurethane Foam Kit into whatever you are using to measure. For Gabrielle to make one silicone tray of donut squishies, she measured two tablespoons of part “A”.

Once it is measured, pour it into the Solo cup marked “A”.

If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

Then, rinse out your measuring device and dry it and do the same thing with the “B” bottle from the Flex Foam-iT! III Flexible Polyurethane Foam Kit. 

NOTE: Gabrielle has learned from doing this a time or two that if she adds a little more of the “B” to the mixture, the squishies come out more squishy. 🙂

If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

Once you have both “A” and “B” measured and put in their respective Solo cups and the measuring tool has been cleaned out, it is time to mix.

If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

Pour the “A” mixture into the “mix” Solo cup and use the “A” Popsicle stick to scrape out all of the contents. Then, add the “B” solution and do the same thing with the “B” Popsicle stick.

Once both solutions are in the “mix” Solo cup, use the Popsicle stick marked “mix” to stir them together. 

If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

Once they are mixed, you need to work fast. Pour the solution into your silicone molds quickly.

NOTE: You only need a little bit in the molds because they grow in size significantly. For the donuts, Gabrielle just pours the solution on the bottom layer and it will reach the top by the time it is dry. 

If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

Your kids can play with this. They can discover how high they want their squishies. Gabrielle has done so many experiments and has learned where she likes to pour in each of her molds. I did have her pour a little extra in one of the donuts for this post so you can get an idea or how much more it actually grows in size. 

If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

It takes about 30-45 minutes for the squishies to fully set. Once they are set, you peel them out of the silicone molds. 

If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

Once you pull them out, they look like this:

If you are looking for a fun activity for your kids to keep them happy and entertained, click over and see how to make squishies! They will be busy for hours and you will save money from buying them in the store!

Now, they are ready to come alive with paint. Make sure to use fabric paint (we use the paint HERE).

We love this part! Gabrielle has come up with so many beautiful squishies from the way she paints them. It is fun for her to have different silicone molds too so she can come up with all different kinds of squishies.  

If you have kids who love to be creative, I highly recommend this project. Not only is it a creative project, but there is also a lot of science behind it as well. It is an experiment every time they make a batch. 

I hope you found a new way to entertain your kids with this How To Make Squishies post.

Gabrielle and I went live on Facebook to show how to make these in real time:


This would also make a great gift idea too!!! 


If your kids love squishies, they will love this! We will show you how to make squishies at home! This project will have the kids entertained for hours!

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